Tech Specs
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Filmora9 vs FilmoraPro

Media Panel

The Media Panel is where files you add to a project are stored and arranged either by their names or their type.

Here in the Media Panel you can also load a title template, create a plane, or start a screen recording (Windows only).


These are the type of media files you can use in Fimora Pro:

  • Video, Image, and Audio files: These are the building blocks of your final video. Adjusting media like videos and sound recordings in FilmoraPro won't affect the original files.
  • Planes: You can create a new Plane by clicking on the New button located next to the Import button in the Media Panel, or by using the Ctrl+Alt+N keyboard shortcut. Planes are colored rectangles that can be added to the timeline by dragging them from the Media Panel and dropping them to the desired location on a video track. A new Plane file will be black by default, but you can change its color in the Plane Properties window. You can access the Plane Properties window by clicking on the cog icon in the upper right corner of a Plane file in the Media Panel.

In order to start editing a media file you have to drag it from the Media Panel to the timeline. The changes made to clips on the timeline do not affect the files in the Media Panel, so you can add the same file to the timeline as many times as you want.

Here are more pages with information about the Media Panel: :