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Gradients and Fills

You can add gradient fills or solid fills to your layer with this video effect.

4-Point Color Gradient

This gradient fill effect generates four different points of gradient fills. There are several different settings you can adjust, including the color of each point as well as the positioning of the gradient points.

 FilmoraPro Color Gradient Effects

Point 1/2/3/4: customizes the color and position of each of the four gradient points.

Color Blend: sets the way in which gradient points blend into each other.

Ramp Scatter: applies a grainy texture to where the gradients blend.

Opacity: adjusts how opaque the gradient effect is.

Blend: allows you choose a variety of blending methods to blend your generated gradient fill with your layer.

Below is an example of a 4-point color gradient that makes use of all of the above effects.

 FilmoraPro Color Gradient Effects

Color Gradient

This color gradient effect is the same as the previous one, except simpler. This effects uses two points as opposed to four.

 FilmoraPro Color Gradient Effects

Fill Color

This effect fills your layer with a color of your choice. You can also adjust the opacity of this fill effect.

 FilmoraPro Color Gradient Effects

Color: lets you pick your desired color using RGB values or the color picker tool.

Blend Amount: lets you adjust the opacity of this fill effect.

Radial Gradient

This gradient fill effect generates a circular shaped gradient over your layer. Unlike the other gradients, this gradient starts from one single point and reaches outwards. .

 FilmoraPro Color Gradient Effects

The Center, Inner Radius, and Outer Radius values allow you to customize everything about your gradient circle.

Smooth blurs the effect.

Gradient Scatter adds a noise effect to the gradient.

Elliptical Deformation changes the aspect ratio of your gradient fill.

Rotation rotates the shape of your gradient fill.

Blend allows you choose a variety of blending methods to blend your generated gradient fill with your layer.