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Why Social Media Video is Important for Marketers with Examples

Dec 31,2019• Proven solutions

The power and the progress of video content these days are no longer hidden to us. In recent years, social media videos are evident everywhere. And various social media sites are flooded with video content.

Now the question arises, should a marketer also take up the social media video marketing or not? Well! This idea is really considerable as recently 82% of the marketers felt video marketing a vital strategy as per Wyzowl statistics. It is more likely to reach and attract potential customers.

Now another matter of concern for you could be the platform. You must be wondering what platform to go ahead for social media videos for business. You don’t have to worry more.

In this article, we will clear all your doubts regarding different social media video on different platforms. As each platform excels with its own remarkable feature, we will explain you about the well-known social platforms and some unavoidable tips for each.

Part 1: YouTube Social Platform

Cutting long story short, let’s take you straight to the YouTube facts.

  • About 1.9 million users who have logins browse YouTube every month, reaching to billion hours spent for videos as a result.
  • Showing versatility with 80 languages, it can stretch out to 95% of internet across the globe.
  • Almost all Americans, 96% to be precise; in between the age of 18 to 24, make use of YouTube.
  • Coming to aged users, i.e. 75 and over, half of this age group are on YouTube.

The new Galaxy S10

See how the Samsung team has put efforts in making their Galaxy S10 video by providing in-between texts and amazing graphics. Within nearly 10 days, it’s been able to achieve 36 million views. Miraculous, isn’t it?

Tips for shooting YouTube video

1. First 5 seconds are important

Ever noticed, how wittingly writers pen down the main incident as the headline and then start providing the whole story in detail? Why? So as to engage the readers till the end. Same goes with video content too.

Putting simply, to make your own place on YouTube platform by adding an impactful video for business, ensure to make your first 5 seconds count.

The first few seconds are enough for the viewers to judge about the usefulness of video. For instance, show the video results in the beginning seconds to make the audience hooked up till the last. This way, they will definitely want to know the process behind it.

2. Design Video Thumbnails

The thumbnail of your social media video makes viewers decide whether they will proceed with the video or not. In other words, make your video thumbnail appealing enough so as to make viewers compel to click on the Play button.

The more irresistible your thumbnail, the bigger amount of traffic your YouTube content will generate. As a tip, use the concept of “What’s next” i.e. provide something interesting in your thumbnail so that viewers are left with the question “What’s next?” thereby clicking your video.

Moreover, please don’t fool viewers by an irrelevant thumbnail just to make your video clicked. As a consequence, you’ll only lose your audience and potential customers as well as end up with low watch time.

3. Video Production Workflow

Well! You need to ensure to be regular on uploading videos on YouTube. This makes your viewers comfortable and they become used to your timings.

They will wait for your video this way if they find your videos interesting enough. Giving long time to create just one video and then uploading it can go against your YouTube channel growth.

Part 2: Facebook Social Platform

Not just YouTube, Facebook is also making its way to become a video giant. Here are some stats that would make you believe this.

  • On an average, Facebook gains more than 8 billion video views on daily basis.
  • 85% users like to watch videos without sound.
  • Live streams are all the rage these days and 20% of videos go live.
  • Comparing to PC, users prefer to watch Facebook videos 5 times more on their phone.
  • 14.44% SMB marketers spent money on promoting Facebook video in 2017.


To use Facebook as social media video platform, let’s take example of Porsche. The video’s caption says it all that they’re celebrating their successful 70 years of Porsche. The company has made great use of the platform by giving all the needed points – especially “hashtag” in the caption.

Tips for shooting Facebook video

1. Remember to add captions

Though videos play automatically on Facebook, having a caption can say it all about what’s in your video. Make your caption as tempting as possible making people stop scrolling down and start watching your social media video. Moreover, if a user isn’t able to understand the video, reading the caption will clear his/her doubts.

2. Call-to-Action is a must

Better CTAs equals to higher CTR’s. That is to say, when you add a call-to-action on Facebook, it gives the idea to users on your purpose and if they’re satisfied, they will click on it without doubt thereby increasing click-through-rate (CTR).

3. Add relevant tags

Tagging people or brand is a good option if you find them helpful for your Facebook video. This will be helpful in reaching a large amount of audience. However, be sure of tagging on point.

Part 3: Instagram Social Platform

The young generation today has swiftly switched from Facebook to Instagram. Being a platform majorly for sharing photos, videos are also making their way. To make you aware, 25% ads on Instagram are single videos.

Reportedly, video content attracts 2 times more audience than photos. However, Instagram videos can be uploaded up to 60 seconds. So, you have to put efforts in first few seconds of the video to engage audience till the 60th second.

GoPro video

As Instagram has more youth audience, GoPro has taken full advantage of this and uploading this video. The young blood is more enthusiastic and showing such adventurous skills excites and enthralls people. Well! It has gained 405,442 views within 5 days.

Instagram social platform

Tips for shooting Instagram video

1. Use the recommended video dimensions

It is impossible to take up full screen when adding a video on Instagram. So you need to use dimensions carefully. As per the founder of media marketing agency Globo Media Marketing, “Scrap the horizontal videos and have an editor format to 600x600.

This has an entirely different look and should catch the viewers attention even more. However the recommended dimensions include 1:1 aspect ratio of 1080x1080 and for stories, it is 1080x1920.

2. Add text to video

Adding text to your video can help grabbing more attention of the viewers. As the audio in Instagram is turned off by default, when you add the text and emphasize on the highlights; it will excite people and they won’t take next second to unmute the video.

3. Focus on one topic at one time

When you make social media videos for business and use Instagram for it, this tip is to be considered. As Instagram allows making video more than 1 minute, make sure to focus on one topic at one time. Providing much information in just one video can create bafflement among the audience.

Part 4: Twitter Social Platform

Another platform to raise social media video marketing is Twitter. Let’s have some insights on the video stats:

AMC Theatres

With just a 12 seconds video, the AMC Theatres, along with the clear captions makes best use of Twitter as their social business video. Receiving 70 retweets, it has worked really well.

Tips for shooting Twitter video

1. Shoot short twitter video

The first tip says to keep your video shorter. However Twitter allows videos till 2minutes 20 seconds. But we would really suggest shooting for 30-45 seconds as Twitter users are in habit of short tweets.

2. Using captions is a must

As mentioned above, whenever making a social media videos for business, adding captions becomes essential. So, without thinking, adapt this tip in your video and make it stand out.

3. The power of people

Try to make people-focused videos when using Twitter as social media video platform for business. As people can make a good impact on viewers by telling your company story, this will assist in reaching more customers and improve your brand.

Part 5: Snapchat Social Platform

As per research, Snapchat users prefer vertical videos 9 times more than horizontal. And the users aren’t comfortable turning their phones sideways for watching the video. Also, having Snapchat funny and interesting filters can work wonder while creating social media video for business.

Watch dog

This video is a perfect example to share on Snapchat story. As the duration is just 11 seconds, it won’t be tiring to the viewers’ eyes and instead create curiosity among them about the game.

Tips for shooting Snapchat video

1. Use fun text and emoji

The first tip is to add special text feature which differs from normal caption of the video and seems really interesting. You can tap on ‘T’ icon while editing your video and the letters will appear magnified.

2. Take advantage of filters

With new update, Snapchat offers you having fun with Instagram-like filters too. Taking help of these filters will make your video more fun and result in engaging more viewers.


We mentioned how each platform for social media videos for business is important along with their facts and figures also, we share some tips to make your videos stand out. We hope you had fun reading this post. And we also hope that you will now have fun making your own social media video. We would be glad if you share your views on this post!

Liza Brown
Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.