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Taking Marketing to the next Level with Video Presentations

Aug 30,2019• Proven solutions

Today, you can easily prepare a video presentation of your product or service and launch it on various websites. Given the huge traffic that these websites attract, it is certain that your product will be known to many of your potential customers.

Although you have other marketing strategies that you may adopt to promote your product, presenting your products or services by videos enable businesses to reach a much larger market and helps them to communicate the benefits served by their product more effectively.

In this article, we will talk about:

How to create effective Video Presentations?

Creating Video Presentations can be a daunting task initially, however, if done with a proper structure and technique, it will no longer be something insurmountable. The basic steps for creating a good video presentation are discussed below.

1.Identify what purpose will the video presentation serve

The very first and foremost step is identifying what exactly you are creating the video presentation for. The main purpose will determine how you will portray the product. For example, if you want to create a sense of brand image around your offering, the way you will present it will differ from the way if you are informing about the product or trying to engage with your customers.

2.Make sure you do not exceed your budget

Although, it might be a bit difficult to accurately estimate your expenditures on making the video presentation, it is still a good idea to have at least a rough estimate of what it is going to cost. In most cases, the creating video process would be the part that costs most of your budget. You can either ‘do it yourself’ (DIY) or hire a video studio to do it for you.


If you are planning to make the video by yourself, you would probably want to take certain aspects into consideration. The first thing to ensure is that whether you have the right camera for the job. 

Do you need to present your video in HD format? Is your camera/camcorder/mobile phones able to communicate the intended message clearly? (Get more tips on how to choose the right camera for your project)  Therefore, you need to make sure that you are using the right camera.

Or, if it's a tutorial or review type of video that you are going to make, you will need to either record your screen or capture live videos by using your webcam. It is worth considering things like choosing an appropriate screen recording software to help you with your project. Check out top 5 best screen recorders here>>.

Editing videos is absolutely a necessary part before you share your video with the world. No matter you just want to chop off some unwanted parts from your raw footage, add some music or voice over, or try to enhance the video quality etc., there are some excellent choices in a variety of price ranges.The video editing software does not have to contain all the sophisticated features and functions, it should simply be able to get the job done. Just want to do some basic editing work and want some free solutions? Check out this guide to learn best free video editing software>>
If, however, you want some more advanced editing and yet don't have any video editing skills, choosing an easy to use but powerful video editor should solve the problem. A good suggestion here is Wondershare Filmora, an advanced video editing software specially designed for beginners to edit videos. Here is a quick video guide to learn about this program:

You can download a free trial version here:

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Hire an agency

The biggest challenge with hiring an agency is the cost. Advertising agencies can cost a lot. Therefore, you need to make sure you get quality over price. This alternative is useful only if you are sure that your business does not have the expertise to effectively market the product through video presentations.

3.Upload the video and promote

The last step is the most crucial aspect. After all, promotion is what the video’s basic purpose is. The cloud space is teeming with social media websites where you can easily upload the video and promote it as well. You basically have two options. You can upload your video on websites such as YouTube and upload it on your blog as well if you happen to have one.

Blogs help you promote the product in a very cost-effective manner. Also, uploading the video on various other websites will make sure you get maximum amount of traffic.

There are many video hosting sites you can choose from in order to upload your video. Some of them include YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, Dailymotion, Expo TV etc. Here is a list of popular video sharing sites for your reference.

Ways you can use to promote the video

As mentioned earlier, the best way to promote your video is through blogs. People are much more likely to read and follow blogs that are linked to the main websites of various products. Therefore, you can do that for promotions purposes.

Also, other alternatives may include sharing the video on Facebook, emailing the video to people you know personally or using various appeals and engaging hashtags that create curiosity around your product.

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Liza Brown
Liza Brown is a writer and a lover of all things video.